Monday, April 12, 2010

NASCAR's Tony Stewart and Ryan Newman: A Fine Bromance

In a tender moment following Ryan Newman’s victory at Phoenix on Saturday night, his first for Stewart-Haas Racing, owner and teammate Tony Stewart not only rushed to congratulate Newman, he professed his love on national television.

Newman was filled with emotion as he revealed the words exchanged between the two men, stating, “He’s so proud of me, told me he loved me and I told him I loved him back.”

Had it been a movie, this would have been the perfect ending to the ultimate buddy flick.

What we saw Saturday night was far more than respect between teammates, or the mentoring of a boss to protege.

Oh yes, something so much sweeter than any of that.

We were witness to the most intimate of male bonding, the start of a bona fide bromance!

Now before you go getting the wrong idea, a bromance is described as "a close, but non-sexual relationship between two heterosexual men."

A mutual man-crush if you will.

The idea of the bromance has been embraced in Hollywood for years.

Take Matt Damon and Ben Affleck for example, although they are both married to beautiful women, their relationship with each other is often described as "perhaps the pioneering bromance in showbiz history."

Geroge Clooney and Brad Pitt are another bromantic success story. Clooney admits to "being unlucky in love with the ladies," yet has "maintained his longest lasting affair" with bromantic partner Pitt."

Actors and close friends in real life, Zach Braff and Donald Faison play JD and Turk, two straight, male doctors of the TV show Scrubs. The character's mutual admiration for one another elicited a song explaining their "guy love" to a world that didn't quite understand.

"That's all it is guy love, he's mine I'm his. There's nothing gay about it in our eyes. Just let it grow more and more each day. It's like I've married my best friend... but totally in a manly way."

"It's guy love, between two guys. And when I say, "I love you, Turk,", It's not what it implies. It's guy love between two guys... no hands!"

Bromance is so in fashion, last year men dragged their best guy friend forever to the release of the preeminent male bonding movie, “I Love You, Man.”

The film, starring Paul Rudd and Jason Segel, begged the question “Are you man enough to say it?”

Stewart and Newman proved Saturday night that they were men enough to say it in front of millions of adoring fans.

Heck, if guy-loving each other is wrong, they don't want to be right!

It's time to celebrate this budding bromance and see them as the serious power couple that they are. One that holds the promise of a long, prosperous future filled with championships and nothing but love!

I love you men!

Article originally published 04/12/2010

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