Now that the 2010 World Cup is one for the books, we will fondly remember the soccer world's shining stars—their intense matches, thrilling victories, heartbreaking losses, and the Octopus that predicted some of the Cup's most talked about outcomes.
Paul, the German “Oracle” Octopus had the amazing ability to choose the winner of competing countries by opening one of two food containers lowered into his tank prior to each match.
The clear, plastic boxes filled with mussels and oysters, were each marked with the competing country's flags, and then lowered into Paul’s tank.
Octo-Paul would then make his way to the containers and the one that he chose to open and pluck a mollusk from, predicted the outcome of the match.
The clairvoyant cephalopod accurately predicted all seven of the games that Germany played as well as Spain’s triumph over the Netherlands in the final match.
Of the eight matches that Paul chose this year, he had a track record of 100%
Article originally published 07/19/2010
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