Hola Amigos. It is me again, Chachi.
It has been a long time since my last article; that gringa of mine never leaves the computer unattended long enough for me to jump on and say what I need to say.
I showed her; I threw her a bone and locked her outside in the backyard for a change. Hey, a Chihuahuas got to do what a Chihuahuas got to do for the love of Juan Pablo Montoya…and tacos!
I may be Montoya’s littlest fan, but my bark and ankle bites are huge. There is nothing I would not do to show my adoration for my favorite NASCAR driver.
Imagine my outrage when I heard college football announcer Bob Griese culturally insult my main hombre during ESPN's broadcast of last Saturday's Minnesota vs. Ohio State game.
When analyst Chirs Spielman asked during a NASCAR promo for an upcoming race in Martinsville "where Montoya was" (in the Chase points standings), Griese chuckled before blurting out "He's out having a taco."
Talk about your color commentary !
Out having a taco?! Way to judge a book by its Hispanic cover Griese!
Tacos are a traditional Mexican dish, I should know since I myself hail from Mexico. Get your facts straight; Montoya is from Bogota, Colombia.
I would have had more respect for your insensitive remarks if you’d at least come close.
Maybe next time you are asked where Montoya is, say “out having a full-bodied cup of Colombian Roast with Juan Valdez and his coffee bean hauling mule Conchita.”
Insulting? Yes, but at least it is culturally correct.
We all know that you gave two half-hearted on-air apologies for the remark, but I'm glad to hear that ESPN took it a step further by suspending you for one game and docking you a week’s pay.
Montoya originally declined to comment about Griese's suspension and brushed off the remark, but today got the last laugh when he posted to his Twitter account :
“Guess what I’m having for lunch…TACOS!!!!!...and I’m serious about it!!!!”
I’ve got to say that one made me choke with delight on my own frijoles.
Te amo hombre!
Montoya tweeted again about his dinner plans proving that a Latino’s menu is not all tacos, all the time.
“just landed in talladega getting ready to have some dinner and no im not having tacos for dinner!!!!!!”
So Griese, if you’ve got anything else to say about this matter be prepared to say hello to Montoya's little friend…ME!
Viva Juan Pablo and tacos lovers everywhere!
Montoya currently sits fifth in the Chase for the Sprint Cup standings, 200 points behind leader Jimmie Johnson.
Follow Montoya on Twitter at http://twitter.com/jpmontoya
Follow Chachi on Twitter at http://twitter.com/daChachi
Disclaimer: This article does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the dog's owner.
Photo credit: Colin S. Johnson
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